Behind the scenes: designing a web-based election aiding platform.

  • Concept Design
  • Product Design
  • UI/UX Design

OP Financial Group is one of the largest financial companies in Finland, consisting of 180 cooperative banks. The abbreviation “OP” stands for “osuuspankki” in Finnish, literally “cooperative bank.” The group has over 1.4 million “customer-owners,” and the group provides retail and commercial banking services all over Finland as well as insurance services.

Our mission was to design and create an online platform for aiding and organizing OP’s elections — or as we branded it; “OP Election Aid”. As the lead designer in this project, my responsibility was to design the platform from scratch based on OP’s highly polished brand identity. Since the original brief was pretty vague, I’d plenty of room for improvisation and trying out different layout variations.

The mobile-friendly design approach was my starting point in this project since more and more users browse the internet thru their mobile devices. Since the platform is web-based, it was relatively easy to design responsive layouts that were easily scalable. I created flow charts and hi-fi mockups for software developers to illustrate the overall usability of the platform; the outcome was simple, accessible, and somewhat easy to develop from scratch.

The final product is currently published at