Creating a design system to accelerate product design processes.

  • Branding
  • UI/UX Design
  • Web Design

Sailfish OS is a Finnish mobile operating system for mobile devices, developed and designed by Jolla. The OS is a real alternative to dominating mobile operating systems; it is a flexible, mature and genuinely private OS trusted by numerous corporations and governments around the world.

I started to develop a design system for the Sailfish OS’ website from scratch. Sailfish OS had already a strong and well-recognized brand identity, and thus the design system’s primary aim was to make the brand consistent between different mediums. I made the site by utilizing Brad Frost’s atomic design approach using Sketch as my primary design tool and a CSS preprocessor (sass) to build a consistent and modular structure for the site’s CSS.

Since the site is entirely modular, well documented and scalable, its future improvements will be straightforward and pleasant to do. For the first time, updating a website is an enjoyable and hassle-free task–even if you do not know anything about coding!

My role in this project was to create the overall visual design for the website and build it using the WordPress content management system as the site’s core. Martin, the chief designer at Jolla, provided me the assets for the website (UI screenshots, etc.) and Juhani, a copywriter and marketing specialist, wrote engaging copy for the site.

The Sailfish OS has a robust online community which helps to develop the OS further by providing insights, code snippets, and translations.